How to Transfer Records to the Archives
Transfer records at the end of a fiscal or calendar year, as stipulated in your departmental records schedules.
  • Contact the College Records Manager to obtain standard-size archival boxes. Each box holds about one file cabinet drawer of files. Do not overfill boxes. Return unused boxes to the Center at the time of transfer.
  • Transfer records from hanging files to manila folders, and retain the folder titles.
  • Keep files in their original order as arranged in your file drawers.
  • Provide a list of contents of each box, folder by folder. Place a paper copy inside the box. Do not tape, glue or staple the sheet to the box.
  • Email a Word document to the College Records Manager that lists the title of each folder included in the box(es).
  • Complete a Records Box Label for each box and attach it to one end. Do not directly mark the record storage boxes in any way. The label lists the title of the group of records, the earliest and latest years in which the records were produced, and the name of your office.
  • Submit a work request with Physical Plant Services to have your boxes delivered to the Center of Southwest Studies, Delaney Library (CSWS 174). Submit a work request.

Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm or by appointment

For an appointment, please call 970-247-7126 (Archives) or 970-247-7333 (Gallery/Museum)


The Center of Southwest Studies will be closed for spring break from March 17 - 23


Center of Southwest Studies
Fort Lewis College
1000 Rim Drive Durango, CO 81301

View Map & Directions

Parking: During the Fall and Spring terms, you can purchase parking passes online. Parking is free after 3:30 p.m. and during the summer, May to August.

Phone Numbers

Main Office: 970-247-7456
Library Reference Desk: 970-382-6982
Archives: 970-247-7126
College Records: 970-382-6951
Museum: 970-247-7333

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