Presentation by Dr. Andrew Gulliford
Location: Center of Southwest Studies Lyceum, Free and Open to the Public
In this year of the 150th anniversary of La Plata County, author and historian Andrew Gulliford will provide an overview of the women, men, and places unique to La Plata County since its inception in 1874. Gulliford will tell tales of Buffalo soldiers, female jackpackers, prospectors, miners, gunslingers, farmers, ranchers, and businessmen who started railroads, restaurants, and banks. He will discuss a toll road, the start of the U.S. Forest Service, a famous murder, and the long shadow of the Ku Klux Klan. He will describe our evolution from being a rural and remote agricultural and industrial county to a tourist and mountain bike mecca with second homes, a four-year college, and a growing economy. The audience can ask questions, tell stories, and help speculate on the next 150 years of our outstanding Colorado county.