Memberships | Center of Southwest Studies

Become a Member of the Center of Southwest Studies

As we strive to expand our outreach to the community and plan exciting new initiatives designed to make the Center of Southwest Studies a vibrant and valued place of life-long learning, we depend on the financial support of our valued Members. Memberships directly support inspiring educational programs, high quality exhibits, research, and valuable hands-on experiences for students.

We could not present the programs and exhibits that we do without the generous, ongoing support of our Members.

Thank you for being a part of the Center of Southwest Studies family!

We’ve made some exciting changes to our membership program.

  • In addition to our Individual Membership level we are now offering a Student and Dual Membership level. 
  • If you are looking to enhance your membership experience you may want to consider a Sustaining or Contributing Membership.
  • Or, deepen your connection with the Center and join at the Director’s or Patron’s Circle Membership level.

$55 – Individual Member, $20 – Student Member 

Receives advanced notice of exhibit openings, programs and events and special e-announcements of Center news; receives the Timelines newsletter in your mailbox; includes free parking when visiting the Center during the academic year.
(Parking pass does not apply to current FLC employees or enrolled FLC students).

$65 – Dual Members

Receives all of the benefits listed above for two adults in same household.

$150 – Sustaining Membership

Receives all of the benefits listed above plus 20% discount on archival reproductions; and special invitation to Sustaining Member events and behind-the-scenes tours.

$250 – Contributing Membership

Receives all of the benefits listed above plus an exclusive preview event of new acquisitions; and 10% off staff led day trips.

$1000 – Director’s Circle

Receives all of the benefits listed above plus an exclusive annual dinner with the Center Director; and a special behind-the-scenes tour that explores the Center’s collections and the exhibit installation process by staff for you and your special guests.

$2000 – The Patron’s Circle

Receives all of the benefits listed above plus use of the Lupien Reception Room for your special event or reception; 20% discount on Director lead multi-day excursions; recognition on the donor wall in the Center’s lobby; invitation to exclusive donor and VIP events.

Questions? Call the CSWS office at 970-247-7456.

Your membership contribution, minus the value of benefits received, may be tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

Become a Member Today

Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm or by appointment

For an appointment, please call 970-247-7126 (Archives) or 970-247-7333 (Gallery/Museum)


The Center of Southwest Studies will be closed for spring break from March 17 - 23


Center of Southwest Studies
Fort Lewis College
1000 Rim Drive Durango, CO 81301

View Map & Directions

Parking: During the Fall and Spring terms, you can purchase parking passes online. Parking is free after 3:30 p.m. and during the summer, May to August.

Phone Numbers

Main Office: 970-247-7456
Library Reference Desk: 970-382-6982
Archives: 970-247-7126
College Records: 970-382-6951
Museum: 970-247-7333

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