Electronic Records/Data Files

Electronic Records & Data Files

Colorado State Records Management Manual Schedule No. 8 – Higher Education lists the permanently valuable records that should be retained and properly protected, as well as provides the timetables that will allow agency officials to legally dispose of records of non-permanent value. The retention periods outlined indicate the minimum length of time that the record copy should be retained before disposal can take place. It applies to the record, regardless of how it is stored (electronic, microfilm, digital image, paper, audio or video recording, etc.).  Please contact the College Records Manager with any questions.


Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm or by appointment

For an appointment, please call 970-247-7126 (Archives) or 970-247-7333 (Gallery/Museum)


The Center of Southwest Studies will be closed for spring break from March 17 - 23


Center of Southwest Studies
Fort Lewis College
1000 Rim Drive Durango, CO 81301

View Map & Directions

Parking: During the Fall and Spring terms, you can purchase parking passes online. Parking is free after 3:30 p.m. and during the summer, May to August.

Phone Numbers

Main Office: 970-247-7456
Library Reference Desk: 970-382-6982
Archives: 970-247-7126
College Records: 970-382-6951
Museum: 970-247-7333

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