What to Save and Send Us

What to Save and Send Us

If your office is the one that is creating or managing a record for the College, you are the “office of record,” and it is your responsibility to send these materials to the Archives at the Center of Southwest Studies when you no longer have active need for them. “Documents” may include architectural drawings, case files, computer tapes and discs, correspondence, memoranda, meeting minutes, photographic images, tape recordings, and other materials in your custody. Send us:

  • Administrative policy documents;
  • Publications including handbooks, newsletters, course syllabi and other printed materials;
  • Committee records kept by the chair of the committee;
  • All documents, regardless of physical form, about the foundation and existence of Fort Lewis College programs and the life of this campus;
  • Documents made or received by a College employee in connection with the transaction of College business that are appropriate for preservation as evidence of College activities because of the value of the information they contain.

The Colorado State Archives has established retention periods for various categories, as described below:

Budget materials. Most of the budget materials on hand in College and department offices are in the category of "budget work papers."
Retain the current calendar year of these materials + 2 years.
Retain formal budget submissions permanently.

Case files. These include records relating to particular projects, evaluations, events, proposals, and similar singular or unique activities.
Retain preliminary drafts and duplicate copies for the current calendar year + 2 years.
Retain final draft (the administrative file) permanently.

Administrative documents. These records include minutes, internal proposals, memorandum, correspondence, subject files and reports. Offices may want to consider looking closely at whether letters, memorandum, proposals, drafts, etc. are routine or general, and filing the two categories separately to facilitate subsequent disposition.
Retain routine documents for the current calendar year.
Retain general records for current calendar year + variable year(s) or permanently, depending on record type.

General records produced by the following offices are special candidates for permanent retention: records of the College's Governing Board; Office of the President, Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and for Business and Finance; offices of each dean, including the chief Student Affairs Officer; the chief officer of College units operating with a high degree of independence; all major academic and administrative committees (including the Faculty Executive Council and its committees); the Registrar; and all publications issued in the name of the school).


Council and committee reports. These are general administrative records.
Retain originating office copy permanently.

Curriculum materials. The retention period is at the discretion of the office holding the materials.

Grants and contracts. This material must be retained for six years after the termination of the contract or grant. The source of the grant (federal government, private foundation, etc.) may have longer requirements; if so, note these and follow them.

Interdisciplinary studies materials. See the preceding instructions for Administrative documents.

Personnel records.

  • The College Personnel Office maintains all official personnel records, but duplicate and convenience copies are kept throughout campus. Before tossing any personnel records, contact the Personnel Office.
  • Personnel records pertaining to unsuccessful applications for a position. These materials, which include supporting materials, proliferate on campus. Retain these materials for three years after the position has been filled.

Student records. Applications, transcripts and other official student records are maintained in the offices of Admissions and/or Records. As with personnel records, duplicates and additional materials often are found in other College offices. Contact the appropriate office for instructions regarding the disposition of any official student records, and the College Records Manager for information about handling other student records.


Delaney Library:

Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm or by appointment

Exhibit Gallery: 

Mon - Fri 1 - 4 pm or by appointment

For an appointment, please call 970-247-7126 (Archives) or 970-247-7333 (Gallery/Museum)


Center of Southwest Studies
Fort Lewis College
1000 Rim Drive Durango, CO 81301

View Map & Directions

Parking: During the Fall and Spring terms, you can purchase parking passes online. Parking is free after 3:30 p.m. and during the summer, May to August.

Phone Numbers

Main Office: 970-247-7456
Library Reference Desk: 970-382-6982
Archives: 970-247-7126
College Records: 970-382-6951
Museum: 970-247-7333

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