
EXHIBITS & EVENTS Exhibits Details
Treasures Unveiled
Treasures Unveiled

Treasures Unveiled

June 17, 2010 - Feb 21, 2014

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Treasures Unveiled is an exhibit of unique and rarely seen items from the Center’s collections. This exhibit will "explore for treasure" in a number of ways.The word treasure can have many meanings. The Southwest holds national treasures, such as Canyonlands and Mesa Verde National Parks. People, too, are treasures. Artists like Stanton Englehart and R.C. Gorman are venerated for the beauty they create. Some treasures have more personal meaning: a family possession that survived the journey west, or perhaps a wedding photograph or an heirloom quilt. Some treasures are less tangible, such as a thoughtful word or stories of a different way of life.The Center of Southwest Studies invites you to joins us in a Southwestern treasure hunt!


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Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm or by appointment

For an appointment, please call 970-247-7126 (Archives) or 970-247-7333 (Gallery/Museum)


The Center of Southwest Studies will be closed for spring break from March 17 - 23


Center of Southwest Studies
Fort Lewis College
1000 Rim Drive Durango, CO 81301

View Map & Directions

Parking: During the Fall and Spring terms, you can purchase parking passes online. Parking is free after 3:30 p.m. and during the summer, May to August.

Phone Numbers

Main Office: 970-247-7456
Library Reference Desk: 970-382-6982
Archives: 970-247-7126
College Records: 970-382-6951
Museum: 970-247-7333

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