Textiles in the form of wearing blankets and bedding are iconic to the West. The chiefs’ blankets, Puebloan mantas, Hispanic serapes, and contemporary textiles that make up The Durango Collection® embody this long-standing tradition. Over 150 years, Pendleton blankets have joined this tradition, drawing inspiration from Native designs and working with contemporary Native artists. Throughout the United States, Pendleton blankets have been given as gifts for major milestones and treasured as family heirlooms much like the historical role of the textiles in the Center’s collection.
In the Fall of 2017, representatives from Pendleton Woolen Mills visited the Center of Southwest Studies. Blown away by the depth and beauty of the weavings, the Pendleton representatives were inspired to collaborate with the Center to create the first in a run of Preservation Series Pendleton blankets.
Royalties from the sales of the following Preservation Series Blankets help fund Native American art and education programming and outreach at the Center of Southwest Studies.
Where to buy
You can purchase the following blankets locally at:
Or, buy them online via the links below.