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M075 Bayfield, CO Ku Klux Klan records (also on microfilm I103)

Collection Summary    back to top

Title Bayfield, CO Ku Klux Klan records
Dates (Inclusive) 1921-1992
Dates (Bulk) 1921-1928
Creator Clyde W. Akers
Abstract This collection contains the historically significant records retained from activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Bayfield, CO. Specifically, the Pine River Klan #69 of Colorado in the 1920s.
Unique ID M075 & I103
Quantity 1.5 linear shelf feet (in 2 document cases and 1 flat box)

Historical Note    back to top
Histories of the Ku Klux Klan are readily available elsewhere, including an article by Fort Lewis College Professor Duane Smith about the Bayfield Klan in the Autumn 2005 issue of Colorado Heritage by the Colorado Historical Society.

Various conjectures pertaining to the local Bayfield, Colorado chapter include a statement that the Bayfield Klan was more a social club than a sinister secret organization; that businesses owned by Klan members used three K's in their titles, and that members (not just in this region, and not necessarily in this region) who were Klan members showed affiliation by placing their thumb and little finger in a pants pocket and leaving the middle three sticking out.

Arrangement    back to top
Materials in this collection are arranged by series. The series are numbered consecutively. Because we do not expect to add to this collection, the boxes are numbered in one single numbering scheme starting with 1. Folder numbers start with 1 in each box. Items within each series (e.g., correspondence, reports) and within each folder are arranged chronologically, unless noted otherwise.

Scope & Contents    back to top
Disclaimer: The Center of Southwest Studies does not condone or have association with the views and perspectives of the Ku Klux Klan. The records described by this inventory are maintained at the Center because it is a cultural repository for records, photos, and books about the Southwest. The Center's Collection Policy includes preserving and making available all types of materials that document life in this region over time.

This collection contains the historically significant records retained from activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Bayfield, CO, specifically the Pine River Klan #69 of Colorado, in the 1920s. The collection consists of printed materials, letters and correspondences, membership records reports, and other records pertaining to the Bayfield KKK.

Restrictions    back to top
Access. There are no access restrictions on the use of these materials for research purposes. This collection is open to the public for use in the Delaney Southwest Research Library at the Center of Southwest Studies.

Use and Copyright. These materials are for use only in the Delaney Southwest Research Library; they are noncirculating. Limited duplication of print materials is allowed for research purposes. The user assumes full responsibility for observing all applicable laws regarding copyright, property rights, and libel.

Preferred Citation    back to top
Bayfield, CO Ku Klux Klan records, Fort Lewis College. Center of Southwest Studies.

Processing Info    back to top
This collection was arranged and described by the archivist. No records were deaccessioned or removed during the processing of this collection. The entire collection was microfilmed in January of 2004, by QC Microfilm Systems (Durango, CO), on one 16mm film roll, using a reduction ratio of 24X or (larger pages) 32X. The microfilm project was funded by the Fryer-Levitt project on The Economics of Hatred. Archives student worker Kelly McBride scanned the microfilm pages to digital pdfs for availability on the Web in the Winter of 2012. Archives student worker Tia Flippin edited and reformatted the online inventory in the Winter of 2012.

Acquisition Info    back to top
These records were found by donor Jeff Bryson in a locked box in a building at 325 Mill Street in Bayfield. The building was formerly occupied by Akers Motor Company. Clyde W. Akers was Klingrapp (Secretary) for the Pine River Klan #69 of Colorado. It has been said orally that the records were found during renovations of the upstairs living apartments of what was then the Locomotion Auto Repair Shop. The accession number is 1984:02001. The collection also contains accession 1998:12005, a student paper on "The Ku Klux Klan and Religion" written by Fort Lewis College English Department student Eric Hammell and printouts from the Web which he used for his paper.
  pic pic
Views of the former Akers Motor Co., next to the Bayfield Town Hall. Photos taken July 2003 by Tom and Paula Wiseman. Accession 2003:08014.

Separated Materials    back to top
Due to the sensitive nature of this material, it was origianlly separated into two boxes; Box 1 contained general Klan records and was open to the public, and Box 2 was closed for research until July 1, 2002, due to the Center of Southwest Studies' General Restriction Policy, which states that the Center will not provide access to "materials containing information about a living person that reveal detailsof a highly personal or libelous nature which, if released, would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy or a libel." On February 20, 2002 the staff of the Center of Southwest Studies agreed to open Box 2 to research, which contains Bayfield Ku Klux Klan records (i.e., those with names on them), effective July 1, 2002 (72 years after the date of the last document in the collection; this is the same privacy period as for U.S. census population schedules). All of the documents are now available for the use of the researcher.

Related Materials    back to top

F 012 Ku Klux Klan artifacts collection
M 107 Southwest student papers, "The Ku Klux Klan in Durango, Colorado" by Wendell Coon, Fall 1965 and "A Brief History of Comparative Analysis of the Ku Klux Klan Hickman" by Justin Alan, [undated].

Access Terms    back to top
Associations, institutions, etc.--Race relations--Colorado--Bayfield.
Bayfield, Colorado--Clubs.
Colorado Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
Ku Klux Klan.
Pine River Klan #69.
Racism--Societies, etc.--Colorado--Bayfield--History.
Radicalism -- Societies, etc.--Colorado--Bayfield.
Secret societies--Colorado--Bayfield.
Social movements--Colorado--Bayfield.
White supremacy movements--Colorado--La Plata County.
White Citizens councils--Colorado--Bayfield.

Series/Container List    back to top

Series 1: Knights of the Ku Klux Klan printed materials
Series 2: Pine River Klan #69 of Colorado Knights of the Ku Klux Klan records

Series 1: Knights of the Ku Klux Klan printed materials    back to Series list

Circa 1920s and 1991. Arrangement is chronological.

Description Box/Folder
ConstitutionKnights of the Ku Klux Klan constitution and bylaws, 1921. Two different covers. 30x of the same small volume. 1/1
Klan BookletThe Practice of Klanishness: First lesson in the science and art of Klankraft, booklet, 1924. 2x 1/2
 Women's PamphletCommander Robbie Gill Comer, address, 1926 Sept. 14. 2x. 1/3
Klode CardKlode card, [ca. 192-]. 8x. Opening and closing rituals. 1/4
Oaths cardNon silba sed anthar cards, [ca. 192-] (blank). For members' oaths to the Klan. 1/5
Membership receiptKnights of the Great Forest membership card receipt booklets, [ca. 1920's]. 3 packets of identical forms. 1/6
Order FormKlan regalia order forms (blank), [ca. 192-]. 4 packets of identical forms. 1/7
Order Form National Emblem Company (Omaha, Neb.), printed materials, [ca. 1920's]. Rings and Charms Rings Pens

More Pens Pass Case Mailorder Offers Kidnapping Story Jeff Davis and the Pope Wholesale Discounts

KKK Support Items Books Starting a Business Deals Charms More Books
Insurance RequestEmpire Mutual Life Insurance Company (Washington, D.C.), printed materials, [ca. 1920's]. Insurance Pamphlet Letter from Imperial Wizard 1/9
Insurance PamphletA search-light on the Ku Klux Klan, leaflet / by The Internationals (Costa Mesa, Calif.), [undated, ca. 1920's]. 1 page, two-sided. 1/10
The Highlander Rocky Mountain News Ku Klux Klan history, articles: (1) The Klan in Colorado/ by Judge O. Otto Moore (Rocky Mountain News, Sunday, April 29, 1979, Denver, CO., pages 62 and 63. (2) Brotherhood of Horse Whisperers: The Horseman's World/ by Archie McKerracher (The Highlander: The Magazine of Scottish Heritage, Jan./Feb. 1989, pages 1, 54-58). 1/11
KKK in BayfieldKlan evidence is uncovered in Bayfield, article/ by Joel Millman (Durango Herald, Feb. 8, 1984, page 11). 1/12
Business CardKnights of the Ku Klux Klan calling card, [ca. 1991]. Distributed at the Fort Lewis College campus in the fall of 1991 at about the time of Shawn Slater's speaking appearance. 1/13
Media Pass Ku Klux Klan spokesman Shawn Slater's speaking appearance at Fort Lewis College (Durango, Colorado), printed materials, 1991-1992. Includes Dick Ellis's red laminated media access pass, news articles on the event in The Messenger (Fort Lewis College Faculty-Staff Bulletin, Dec. 16, 1991 and March 2, 1992), The Independent (Fort Lewis College student newspaper, Dec. 6, 1991), Bobcat Post (Ignacio High School student newspaper, March 31, 1992, which includes the newspaper's interview with Shawn Slater), a mimeographed page dated Dec. 9, 1991 signed by 22 Fort Lewis College faculty about a faculty forum the next day on the issue, and a one-page flyer by the Klan announcing an Abolish the King Holiday Rally on Jan. 20, 1992 in Denver.
Letters to the Editor Petition Rally Poster KKK Leader Talks to Post The Independent The Bobcat Post The Messenger
The Ku Klux Klan and Religion The Ku Klux Klan and religion, student paper / by Eric Hammell, December 1998, written for White Trash Poetics (ENGL 317) class, English Department, Fort Lewis College (accession #1998:12005], 13 pages. Plus his printouts from Website information on the Klan. 1/15
Color photo page of a seal at the Notah Dineh Museum, Cortex, that prints out an embossed stamp reading "Women of the Ku Klux Klan Kolorado Kolumbine Klan No. 6, Mancos, CO." 1/16

Series 2: Pine River Klan #69 of Colorado Knights of the Ku Klux Klan records    back to Series list

1920's-1990. Arrangement is chronological.

Description Box/Folder
Questionaire Notices and bulletins, 1925-1928 / by Grand Dragon, Realm of Colorado. Official Porclamation Official Document Letter to Colorado KKK Letter Request for Infromat Klan Day Letter Delinquent Dues Letter Chapter Officers Request Bulletin Senators 2/1
Quarterly Report Kligrapp’s quarterly reports, 1925-1927. 2/2
Adopted Resolutions Resolutions adopted, 1925 Feb. 10 – 1926 March 25. 2/3
Presidental Election Memos and correspondence, 1927 July 25 – 1928 December 3. Meeting Letter to Mr. Halverson Letter Quoteing Grand Dragon Itinerary Information Correction Request Imperial Wizard Visit Farmers and Merchants Bank Various Topics 2/4
Supply Explaination Clyde W. Akers, letters and correspondence, 1925-1928. Robe Order Invitation to Races Propaganda and Invite Pagosa Klan Mr. Unsell Visit Money Return Mailing Address Correction Invite Reply Letter Attachment Leafltet Order of 400 Copies Kourier Magazine Envelope Dues Policy Drive Enrollment Donation Confirmation Another Donation Confirmation Cortez Light Co. Constituion1 50 copies Christmas Card and Postage Charter Solution Charter 69 Cattleman Invite Cannidates for State Office Bank Reply on Fire Alrusa Club Supply Order 2/5
Lecture Meeting Delivery of Charter Women of the KKK Forrest S. Graves, correspondence, 1925. 2/6
Dues Lists Kourier Magazine Subscription Membership dues and subscriptions records, 1925-1927. 2/7
Application for Citizenship Filled Order Form Applications for citizenship, 1925-1928. 2/8
Membership applications Membership applications, 1925. 2/9
Tansfer Forms Membership transfer forms, 1925-1926. 2/10
Oath Cards Named Non Silba Sed Anthar cards, named, 1925-1928.. 2/11
Robertson Protest Objections to memberships and petitions for banishments. Objection Letter List of Names Complaint From Klan Dance 2Charels Brock Banned Britt Compliant Bishop Bridwell Banned Banishments Protest Charge against Yingling 2/12
Membership Tickets Klan membership tickets, 1928. 2/13
Membership Tickets Donation certificates and receipts, 1928. 2/14
Recipt Letter Status Tally Various documents, 1926 and 1929-1930. 2/15
Voter List Voters list, 1926 July 30. 2/16
Recipt Book Klabee receipt book, undated (ca. 1920s). 2/17
Phelps to Conrad Harold R. Phelps, reminiscence letter, 1990 Oct. 3. 2/18
Correspondence of personal story concerning the end of the KKK in Durango from Vernon Wood to Duane Smith July 6, 2010 3/1
Durango Klan Vol. 1 Num. 2 Durango Klan Vol. 1 Num. 3 The Durango, CO. Klansman newspaper Volume 1, Numbers 2-4, May-August 1925 (three issues, published monthly) Copy #2. Includes the original of No. 3 and photocopies of all three issues. 3/2