| Title: | Chief Clinton Rickard and the mayors of Niagara Falls, group portrait photo |
Date/circa: | 1965 |
Photographer: | Hetzel, Theodore B. (Kennett Square, Pa.) |
Subjects: | Rickard, Clinton|vPictorial works; Indian Defence League|vPictorial works; ; Indians of North America - Government relations|vPhotographs; |
Notes: | Chief Clinton Rickard (on the viewer's right) and the mayors of Niagara Falls, Ontario (center) and Niagara Falls, New York (left, wearing suit coat and headdress) have placed their hands together. In this view the two men in suits are facing the camera. Chief Clinton Rickard was one of the founders of the Indian Defence League of North America. |
Call number: | SW P003C1Fol1Item01 |
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