P 017-09 |
Years this material
was created: 1973-1998 (bulk years 1981-1990)
Quantity: 84 color slide transparency photographs, in
5 sleeves
© 2005 by Fort
Lewis College Foundation, Center of Southwest Studies account
Links to contents
Introduction/ Scope and contents
These are 35mm color slide transparencies by Robert York -- views of archaeological and forest sites in the Four Corners vicinity. These photos pertain to Mr. York's archaeological career in the Southwest (starting with graduate school at Arizona State University and proceeding to professional jobs with the San Juan National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management/ Navajo and the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation). These are York's personal photographs.
The collection includes 31 slides concerning the Chimney Rock Archaeological Area (CRAA), in the Pagosa Ranger District of the San Juan National Forest. (SJNF). Included are four slides concerning recovery of artifacts and human remains from that area, and their subsequent reburial, conducted in cooperation with the Southern Ute Tribe, relative to the Perkins-Schier ARPA Case of 1982-83.
Also here are 41 slides primarily concerning the Colorado Garden Clubs historic markers signing program. Subjects include:
And, the collection includes 12 miscellaneous
slides pertaining to other aspects of the San Juan National Forest,
Robert York served as the Cultural Resources Manager/ Archaeologist/ Historian of the San Juan National Forest from 1978 to 1989. From 1990-1994 he held a similar position with the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (ONHIR). He was the first permanent professional archaeologist who ever was employed by the SJNF. He met his wife Gigi when she was a volunteer at the SJNF in 1988.
Administrative information
Arrangement note: The Center retained the creating photographer's original order of these slides, which is basically by subject, as described above in the scope and contents note.
Acquisition information: The slide collection was donated to the Center of Southwest Studies by deed of gift signed by Robert and Gigi York; its accession number is 2005:09012 (84 slides). Acquisition was approved by the Southwest Accessions Committee on 8/17/2005. These photos were the personal property of the Yorks; they include nothing that belongs to any agency or anyone else.
Processing information: Item level cataloging and data entry was by student archival assistant Andrew Hayes in September of 2005. For the sake of brevity in the online presentation, the following list does not contain all of the detailed information that the Center has recorded in an Access database to describe the content of these slides. This online guide was produced by Todd Ellison, Certified Archivist, Center of Southwest Studies, in October of 2005.
Box 1: Sleeves 1-5:
Sleeves 1-2 (slide #s P058-001 through P058-031): Chimney Rock (San Juan National Forest, Archuleta County, Colorado)
Sleeves 3-5 (slide #s P058-032 through P058-084): Other scenes on and around the San Juan National Forest, Colorado
Slides titles with date of photograph, photograph number, and brief description
Search suggestion: search this web page by name using the Edit-> Find in Page (Ctrl+F) feature on your Web browser.
Image Date |
Photoprint # |
Title |
Summary/abstract note 520 |
1996-08 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) highway sign |
Sign for the Chimney Rock Archaeological Area, from eastbound Hwy 160. |
1996-08 |
P058-002 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) highway sign |
Sign for the Chimney Rock Archaeological Area, from westbound Hwy 160. |
1996-08 |
P058-003 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) highway sign |
Sign for the Chimney Rock Archaeological Area, from westbound Hwy 160. |
1989-05 |
P058-004 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) highway sign |
Directional sign for the Chimney Rock Archaeological Area. |
1989-05 |
P058-005 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) entrance sign |
Welcome and information sign at the Chimney Rock Archaeological Area. |
1988-04-03 |
P058-006 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) entrance sign |
Welcome and information sign at the Chimney Rock Archaeological Area. |
1996-08-12 |
P058-007 |
Chimney Rock Station (Colo.) |
Visitors congregating before a small wooden cabin. |
1997-08-04 |
P058-008 |
Chimney Rock, Piedra Valley (Colo.) |
View of a small valley dotted with pinyon-juniper scrub. |
1988-01-14 |
P058-009 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.), scenic view |
View of an arid plateau fringed with snow and scrubby vegetation. |
1989-05 |
P058-010 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.), scenic view |
Stand of barren trees in a snow covered valley. |
1989-01-08 |
P058-011 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.), high mesa view |
Stand of snow covered trees and bushes, with rock pinnacles in the background. |
1988-01-13 |
P058-012 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
View of the pinnacles known as Chimney Rock, as seen from the Great House. |
1988-01-14 |
P058-013 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
View of the pinnacles known as Chimney Rock, as seen from the Great House. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-014 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
View of a flat glacial valley form a ridge above. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-015 |
Chimney Rock ruin (Colo.) |
View of an abandoned pueblo- five excavated rooms and a kiva are visible as low stone walls. |
1988-01-19 |
P058-016 |
High Mesa Pueblo (Chimney Rock, Colo.) in snow |
Interior view of an abandoned room block of High Mesa Pueblo. |
1988-04-05 |
P058-017 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) Great Kiva |
View of a large excavated kiva- the walls are mostly collapsed, but several floor features are visible. |
1988-04-05 |
P058-018 |
Chimney Rock (Colo.) Great Kiva |
View of a large excavated kiva- the walls are mostly collapsed, but several floor features are visible. |
1988-04-17 |
P058-019 |
Forest Service employees at Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
Group of people talking, next to a low wall on the exterior of a room block. |
1988-04-15 |
P058-020 |
Forest Service employees at Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
Group sitting on alow stone wall (of modern origin) and eating lunch. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-021 |
Tour group at Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
Large group of people in a gravel parking lot. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-022 |
Tour group at Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
Large group of people in a gravel parking lot. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-023 |
Tour group at Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
Group of visitors listening to a ranger talk. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-024 |
Tour group at Chimney Rock (Colo.) |
Large group walking along a paved trail through a juniper forest. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-025 |
Path hardening |
View of a switchback on a semi paved trail. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-026 |
Path hardening |
View of the intersection between two paving materials on a trail. |
1990-11-04 |
P058-027 |
Path hardening |
View of a trail marked off by painted metal posts. |
1983 |
P058-028 |
CRAA recovered artifacts (looting case) |
A number of recovered ceramics and ground stone, as well as human remains, laid out on a table. |
1983 |
P058-029 |
Sky Ute Lodge (Ignacio, Colo.) looting case |
View of the sign for the Sky Ute Lodge. |
1983 |
P058-030 |
CRAA display (looting case recovered) |
View of a mostly empty wooden display case. |
1983 |
P058-031 |
Eddie Box (Southern Ute spiritual leader) at reburial of objects |
Ute leader in a bright red mantle performing a ritual |
1996-08-10 |
Treasure Falls (Colo.) signs |
View of three new-looking signs at the Treasure Falls trailhead. |
1996-08-10 |
P058-033 |
Treasure Falls (Colo.) signs |
View of three new-looking signs at the Treasure Falls trailhead. |
1996-08-10 |
P058-034 |
Treasure Falls (Colo.) signs |
Closer view of three new-looking signs at the Treasure Falls trailhead. |
1996-08-10 |
P058-035 |
Treasure Falls (Colo.) sign |
Close view of a sign describing the Treasure Falls interpretive trail. |
1996-08-10 |
P058-036 |
Treasure Falls (Colo.) sign |
Close view of a sign admonishing hikers to stay on the trail. |
1998-03-17 |
P058-037 |
Scotch Creek (Colo.) historic sign |
View of a wooden historical sign. |
1998-03-17 |
P058-038 |
Scotch Creek (Colo.) historic sign |
View of a wooden historical sign. |
1988-03-10 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
Highway sign for the Target Tree Campground. |
1988-03-10 |
P058-040 |
New interpretive sign at Target Tree Campground near Mesa Verde (Colo.) |
Historic marker describing the Target Tree area. |
1988-03-10 |
P058-041 |
New interpretive sign at Target Tree Campground near Mesa Verde (Colo.) |
Historic marker describing the Target Tree area. |
1988-03-10 |
P058-042 |
New interpretive sign at Target Tree Campground near Mesa Verde (Colo.) |
Historic marker describing the Target Tree area, with a mountain view behind. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-043 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
A forest service representative talking in front of a camera. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-044 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
A forest service ranger and several Ute representatives standing next to a sign. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-045 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
Two people talking at a campground dedication ceremony. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-046 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
Two people standing at the base of a carved tree. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-047 |
Lisa Cruz interviewing Terry Knight at Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
Reporter interviewing a man at the dedication ceremony. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-048 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
View of two drummers performing music at the dedication ceremony. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-049 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
View of a new interpretive sign. |
1988-05-19 |
P058-050 |
Target Tree Campground (Colo.) dedication |
Several elderly women observing a new interpretive sign. |
1988-07-11 |
Animas Overlook Trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
A picnic table at the trailhead for the Animas Overlook. |
1988-07-11 |
P058-052 |
Animas Overlook Trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
Wooden bench and interpretive sign with a wide view of the Animas River valley. |
1988-07-11 |
P058-053 |
Animas Overlook Trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
Close view of a sign describing prehistoric Colorado. |
1988-07-11 |
P058-054 |
Animas Overlook Trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
Visitors examining an interpretive sign. |
1988-07-11 |
P058-055 |
Animas Overlook Trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
Wooden bench and interpretive sign with a wide view of the Animas River valley. |
1988-07-11 |
P058-056 |
Animas Overlook Trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
Rear/side view of a wooden interpretive sign. |
1988-07-11 |
P058-057 |
Animas Overlook Trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
Close view of an interpretive sign describing the history of Durango. |
1983-11-04 |
P058-058 |
John Hartmann's 6th grade class listening to a park ranger |
Young visitors listening to a ranger presentation. |
1986-11 |
P058-059 |
Durango and the La Platas, south of Bodo (Colo.) |
Distant view of the city of Durango from altitude, looking north. |
1981-05-07 |
P058-060 |
Animas Valley from Missionary Ridge (La Plata County, Colo.) |
View south along the valley towards the city of Durango. |
1984 |
P058-061 |
Animas-Silverton Wagon Road.sign dedication |
Ceremony for the dedication of a sign describing the Animas-Silverton Wagon Road. |
1984 |
P058-062 |
Adaptive Use trail (La Plata County, Colo.) |
Sign marking a cross country ski route along an old wagon road. |
1984 |
P058-063 |
Animas Ranger District, new sign (La Plata County, Colo.) |
View of an interpretive sign describing the old Animas-Silverton wagon road. |
1988 |
P058-064 |
Tuckerville (Colo.) sign, porcupine damage |
View of a heavily masticated interpretive sign. |
1988 |
P058-065 |
Tuckerville (Colo.) sign |
Wooden historical sign marking the former site of Tuckerville. |
1988 |
P058-066 |
Tuckerville (Colo.) sign maintenance |
Tourists observing the restoration of a historical marker. |
1983 |
Beaver Creek Massacre (Dolores, Colo.) sign dedication |
Ceremony to dedicate a sign marking the location of the Beaver Creek Massacre. |
1986 |
P058-068 |
Beaver Creek Massacre (Dolores, Colo.) sign |
Close view of a historical sign describing the Beaver Creek Massacre. |
1986 |
P058-069 |
Beaver Creek Massacre (Dolores, Colo.) sign |
Close view of a historical sign describing the Beaver Creek Massacre. |
1986 |
P058-070 |
Beaver Creek Massacre (Dolores, Colo.) sign |
Close view of a historical sign describing the Beaver Creek Massacre. |
1981-08-07 |
P058-071 |
Greysill Mine ruins |
Crumbling wooden uranium mill. |
1981-08-07 |
P058-072 |
Greysill Mine area |
View of a dirt road descending a steep hillside. |
1985 |
P058-073 |
Archaeological display (Durango, Colo.) |
Tilted wooden display case containing signs and artifacts. |
1973-10-06 |
P058-074 |
Tamarron (Colo.) aerial photo |
View of a historic mining area from the air. |
1998-03-17 |
P058-075 |
Old Stoner ski runs (Colo.) |
Distant view of two retired ski paths. |
1998-03-17 |
P058-076 |
Old Stoner ski runs (Colo.) |
Distant view of two retired ski paths. |
1985 |
Volunteers are removing a layer from 2mx2m excavation units in a small alcove. Some structural units are visible. |
1988-04-16 |
P058-078 |
Anasazi Heritage Center (Dolores, Colo.) |
View of the plaza in front of the center. |
1988-04-16 |
P058-079 |
McPhee Reservoir (Dolores, Colo.) |
Overlook of a lake from a snowy hillside. |
1981-07-07 |
P058-080 |
Pagosa Ranger District, Turkey Springs area (Archuleta County, Colo.) |
View of a fenced meadow. |
1981-07-07 |
P058-081 |
Pagosa Ranger District, Turkey Springs area (Archuleta County, Colo.) |
View of a fenced meadow. |
1986 |
San Juan National Forest history award recipients group photo |
Group portrait of award recipients. They included Cheryl Brandsman, Robert Delaney, and John Kirkpatrick (one man is as yet unidentified). |
1987-04-18 |
1987-04-18 |
Group of people posing for a photograph at an overlook. (Click on title hyperlink at left for listing of names.) |
This collection is located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College. Researchers wanting more information about using this material at the Delaney Southwest Research Library at the Center may email the archivist at or click here to use our E-mail Reference Request Form (or phone the archivist at 970/247-7126). The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please email if you wish to receive a response from the Center. To request reproductions/copies, click here for instructions.