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Scope and contents |
Scope and contents
Years this material
was created: 1854-1990
(bulk years: 1940-1960)
Quantity: 5 linear shelf feet
9 document cases and 1 flat lidded box)
This collection consists of minutes, membership and roll call records, correspondence, Sunday School attendance records, treasurer's receipts and other records, and hymnals, textbooks and church library books, a sampling of national yearbooks of the denomination, for Free Methodist churches in Bayfield, Durango, Ignacio, Oxford, and Spring Creek, Colorado, in the greater Farmington, N.M. area, and other small communities of the Four Corners and some reports from Denver and nationally.
This collection is useful for the study of local history, not just of this particular denomination but of various aspects of life in the Four Corners during the middle of the 20th century. Some of the records describe aspects of local history beyond the church itself, such as women's history (the women played a large part in all of the activities and ministries of the churches), local businesses and banks with whom the churches did business, the price of utilities, the growth of the Durango school district, and purchase of gravel from the Consolidated Ute Agency. Genealogists may find useful information here because many of the records contain personal names, including those of infants.
Administrative information
Acquisition of this collection: These materials were donated by Juan Cullum, a former student of Fort Lewis College Professor of History and Southwest Studies Duane Smith who learned the importance of history while an FLC student. This material had been stored in a shed on the last property of the Free Methodist Church of Durango, on Florida Mesa across from the Elementary School on Colorado 172 when that property was sold to Mr. Cullum in December of 2005. Cullum brought the collection to the Methodist Thrift Store in Durango, where Duane Smith appraised them for retention and disposition. Dr. Smith sent some of the non-record items (such as hymnals) to the La Plata County Historical Society and brought all of the records and a sampling of the yearbooks to the Center of Southwest Studies. Acquisition of this collection was approved by the Southwest Accession/ Deaccession Committee on February 23, 2006. The accession number is 2006:039. The deed of gift was signed by Mr. Cullum on April 10, 2006.
About the organization of this collection: The series and boxes are numbered consecutively. Because we do not expect to add to this collection, the boxes are numbered in one single numbering scheme starting with 1.
Processing information: This collection was arranged and described by Professional Archival Intern Linda Baker in March and April, 2006 (including production of the folder list and creation of the inventory, under the supervision of Fort Lewis College archivist Todd Ellison).
Added entry terms:
Churches (La Plata County, Colo.)
Churches (San Juan County, N.M.)
January 2, 1956 meeting of the official board of the Bayfield Free Methodist Church, page 1-2, item 2, states, "On Dec. 22, 1955, fire destroyed the home of Lila Mary and Roy Wagner, and the church a. [sic] Secretary book was burned with all records up to Nov. 23, 1955 therefore we are starting a new record." (Document in Box 6, folder 1).
Note regarding the organization of this collection: Materials in this collection are arranged by series. The series are numbered consecutively. Because we do not expect to add to this collection, the boxes are numbered in one single numbering scheme starting with 1.
Folder numbers start with 1 in each box. Items within each series (e.g., correspondence, reports) and within each folder are arranged chronologically, unless noted otherwise.
The series are organized from highest hierarchical level to lowest; from most general to most specific.
Series 1: Free Methodist Church national records and printed materials. 1901-1992, in 1 document case 1 and 1 flat box. Arrangement of volumes is alphabetical; yearbook arrangement is chronological. Includes conference minutes, newsletters, and samples of yearbooks. 4 yearbooks are in Series 6.
Search tip: Do a keyword search of this file by using the Edit-> Find in Page (Ctrl+F) feature on your Web browser.
Box 1: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church national records and printed materials | Year |
1 | 1 | Conference Minutes 1943: The Annual Minutes [Combined Number], 1943, Free Methodist Church of North America. Winona Lake, Ind.: The Free Methodist Publishing House, 1943. | 1943 |
1 | 2 | Missionary Tidings and Young People's Number of the Missionary Tidings newsletters, January 1900-December 1901. Missionary Tidings, Vol. III, Nos. 1-3, and Vol. IV, Nos. 4-7; Young People's Number of the Missionary Tidings, Vol. IV, No. 2; Missionary Tidings, Vol. IV, Nos. 8-9; Young People's Number of the Missionary Tidings, Vol. IV, No. 3; Missionary Tidings, Vol. IV, Nod. 10-12; Young People's Number of the Missionary Tidings, Vol. IV, No. 4; Missionary Tidings, Vol. V, No.1-2; Young People's Number of the Missionary Tidings, Vol. V, No. 1; Missionary Tidings, Vol. V, No.3-6; Young People's Number of the Missionary Tidings, Vol. I, No. 1; Missionary Tidings, Vol. V, Nos. 7-10; Young People's Number of the Missionary Tidings, Vol. I, No. 2; Missionary Tidings, Vol. V, Nos.11-12; | 1900-1901 |
1 | 3 | Yearbook 1982, Official Personnel, Organization and Statistics of the Free Methodist Church Around the World. Joseph D. Riser, ed. Winona Lake, IN: Office of the General Administrator Free Methodist Church of North America, 1982.; Yearbook 1986, Official Personnel, Organization and Statistics of the Free Methodist Church Around the World. Donald L. Payne, ed. Winona Lake, IN: Office of the General Administrator Free Methodist Church of North America, 1986.; Yearbook 1992, Official Personnel, Organization and Statistics of the Free Methodist Church Around the World. J. Marcos Gilmore, ed. Indianapolis, IN: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1992. | 1982, 1986, 1992 |
Box 2: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church national records and printed materials | Year |
1 | 1 | The Free Methodist, January 1901-December 1901. Whole number 1688, Vol. 34, No. 1 - Whole number 1740, Vol. 34, No. 53. Chicago, Ill. | 1901 |
Box 3: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church Colorado and San Juan District regional records | Year |
2 | 1 | Addresses, general. | undated, 1970 |
2 | 2 | Colorado Conference of the Free Methodist Church report. | 1955 |
2 | 3 | Conference treasurer | 1947-1956 |
2 | 4 | District Women's Missionary Society (W.M.S.) Treasurer | 1948-1958 |
2 | 5 | E. E. Wright interview notes, Las Cruses [sic] [Cruces] | undated |
2 | 6 | Ephemera | undated |
2 | 7 | Guest book | 1972-1981 |
2 | 8 | San Juan District reports, Bayfield. Annual report, 1944-45; pastor's quarterly report, Aug. 1946- Feb. 1947; pastor's quarterly report, July 1953-June 1956, Sept. 1956- Sept. 1957, Apr. 1958-June 1958. | 1944-1945, 1953-1958 |
2 | 9 | San Juan District reports, Durango. Pastor's quarterly report. | 1946 |
2 | 10 | San Juan District reports, Farmington. Pastor's quarterly report. | 1945-1947 |
2 | 11 | San Juan District treasurer's report. | 1946 |
2 | 12 | San Juan Quarterly Conference record book. Includes (page 177, with an attached resolution) mention of the sale of church property at 2nd Street and 3rd Avenue to Durango School District 9 in January, 1936 . | 1927-1947 |
Box 4: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church of Bayfield | Year |
3 | 1 | Class record information. Includes roll call for teachers and pupils, and amount of offering. | undated, 1930-1931 |
3 | 2 | Class record information. Includes class, teachers, scholars, and amount of offering. | 1944-1949 |
3 | 3 | Class record information. Includes class, teachers, scholars, and amount of offering. | 1950-1953, 1956-1957, 1959 |
3 | 4 | Class record information. Includes class, teachers, scholars, and amount of offering. | 1960, 1966-1969 |
3 | 5 | Class record information. Includes class, teachers, scholars, and amount of offering. | 1972-1975 |
3 | 6 | Class report card. Includes class, teachers, scholars, and amount of offering. | undated, 1953 |
Box 5: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church of Bayfield | Year |
3 | 1 | Correspondence, Aug. 24, 1896, from Robert A. Carmine, Presiding Elder Salida District, to Sister Worrall.; Sept. 2, 1896, W. E. Perry to Sister Worrall.; Silverton, Colo., May 24, 1897, G. W. Gader to Mr. Wm. World.; Monte vista, Oct. 15, 1900, W. W. Dickson to Bro. Worrall.; Chicago. Ill., Sept. 20, 1907, S. K. J. Chesbro, Treasurer, to Sister Worrall.; pamphlets' "Attention Pastors", "White Slavery", "Suggestions for Teachers of Young People"; Chow Chilla, Calif., Nov. 16 1954, Mrs. Eula Rogers to Rev. Gail Thompson.; U. S. S. Stoddard DD-566, Nov. 19, 1954, Harlin Knight to Rev. Gail Thompson. | 1896, 1897, 1900, 1907, 1954 |
3 | 2 | Free Methodist Youth (FMY) records and printed materials, including treasurer's reports, roll call, secretary minutes and officers. | undated |
3 | 3 | Society membership and transfers, records and printed materials, including membership roll call, probations, and Sunday School records. | 1929-1974 |
3 | 4 | Memorial for Mrs. Addie Dunsworth and John Wesley Cook. | 1968, 1969 |
3 | 5 | Miscellaneous meeting notes, including annual circuit, membership, official board, treasurer, conference and officers. | 1956-1977 |
3 | 6 | Miscellaneous record book, including official board meetings, circuit meetings, and society meetings. | 1897-1922 |
3 | 7 | Miscellaneous record book, including roll call, official board meetings, circuit meetings, and society meetings. Loose papers include First National Bank, Durango, Colorado statement and receipt. | 1926-1939 |
3 | 8 | Miscellaneous record book, including Colorado conference, San Juan District, Bayfield local WMS treasurer report and annual report. | 1942-1948 |
Box 6: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church of Bayfield | Year |
3 | 1 | Official board meetings. | 1916,1948-1950, 1955-1958 |
3 | 2 | Pastor's annual report. | undated |
3 | 3 | Pastor's report. | 1958 |
3 | 4 | Photo, "Life Line Orphan Home". No further information is available about this, but it seems likely that this was a ministry that the church was supporting. | 1940 |
3 | 5 | Postcard receipts from Longmont, Colo., with the exception of one card from Winona Lake, Ind. (1949) and Durango, Colo. (1950) for specific donations. Examples include: General Service Fund, Men and Missions, and Light and Life Hour. | 1943-1950 |
3 | 6 | Business receipts: Beaches, Boy's Modern Food Market, Graham Hardware Company, Jett Hardware and Lumber Company, La Plata Electric, money orders, postal receipts, Weight on Standard Scale, Western Union Telegraph Company. | 1941-1945 |
3 | 7 | Business receipts: Beaches, Boy's Modern Food Market, County Treasurer's Office of La Plata County, Ignacio State Bank, La Plata County voucher, La Plata Electric, money orders, Town of Bayfield, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Consolidated Ute Agency. | 1946 |
3 | 8 | Business receipts: A. B. Lane Electric Service, Boy's Market, C. F. Lewis Merc., Central College (McPherson, Kan.), Continental Oil Company / Conoco, Federal Lumber Company, Hermosa Flower and Gift Shop, James Hardware, La Plata Electric, Lewis Mercantile, Light and Life Press, miscellaneous receipts, money order receipts, Montgomery Ward, Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, rural carrier receipt, Schluter Floral, Schriver Office. | 1947-1949 |
3 | 9 | Business receipts: Durango Paint Company, Free Methodist Church of North America, Ignacio State Bank, James Hardware, La Plata Electric, miscellaneous receipts, money order receipts, Morning Star Coal Company, Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, Schluter Floral, Town of Bayfield, and envelope: Sis H__?__ old receipts. | 1950-1953 |
3 | 10 | Business receipts: General Insurance Company of America, Mason Insurance Agency. | 1960, 1965 |
3 | 11 | Serviceman roster. Pvt. John W. Riley, Pvt. Paul M. Wade, P.F.C. Daniel Percell, P.F.C. John G. Goff, Victor H. Neuenschwander. | 1954 |
3 | 12 | Sunday school board meetings records and printed materials, including a photo, "Which is Your Heart?" | 1928-1936, 1939-1947, 1948-1953 |
3 | 13 | Sunday school questionnaire. | undated |
3 | 14 | Sunday school reports. | 1930-1931, 1940-1941, 1946-1947 |
Box 7: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church of Bayfield | Year |
3 | 1 | Treasurer's records and printed materials. | 1917-1946 |
3 | 2 | Weekly reports. Information includes attendance, offering, new scholars, visitors, and weather. | 1951-1955 |
3 | 3 | Women's Missionary Society (WMS). Information includes meetings, treasurer and secretary records, and roll call. | 1926-1929, 1939-1952 |
3 | 4 | Free Methodist Hymnal, published by authority of the General Conference of The Free Methodist Church of North America. Fourteenth printing. Winona Lake, Ind.: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1910. Inside cover stamped: Property of the Free Methodist Bayfield, Colo. | 1910 |
3 | 5 | Free Methodist Hymnal, published by authority of the General Conference of The Free Methodist Church of North America. Fourteenth printing. Winona Lake, Ind.: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1910. Inside cover stamped: Property of the Free Methodist Bayfield Colo. | 1910 |
3 | 6 | Free Methodist Hymnal, published by authority of the General Conference of The Free Methodist Church of North America. Chicago, Ill.: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1910. Inside cover stamped: Olive Branch Mission, 1047 West Madison St., Meetings-Every-Night. Address section has an additional stamp: Olive Branch Mission, 22 South Desplaines St., Meetings-Every-Night. | 1910 |
Box 8: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church of Durango | Year |
4 | 1 | Budget ledger. Includes a letter from the Rocky Mountain Conference Board of Finance, Jan. 10, 1969, to the treasurers of the Rocky Mountain Free Methodist Church, regarding a pension plan for pastors. | 1965-1970 |
4 | 2 | Free Methodist Church Record Book binder. Church register of pastors, local preachers, class leaders, WMS presidents, FMY advisors, JMS superintendents, CYC directors, Sunday school superintendents, delegates to annual conference, church secretaries, treasurers, preparatory members, full members, non-active members, men in military service, child baptisms, adult, baptisms, marriages, deaths. | 1963-1983 |
4 | 3 | Membership. Black bound volume (1920-1928) inside cover: W. W. Loomis, Denver, Colo. Aug. 20-1915. Loose papers include: Matthew Walker business card, Free Methodist Church Special Stewardship Fund, Certificate and Letter of Dismission [sic] for Annie Wilcox, Louisa Callahan, Carrie Glazier, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. LaLonde; Durango Herald newspaper clipping, Dec. 1966, of Free Methodist Church with handwritten reference to Rev. Stewart and Rev. Yoder. | 1920-1927, 1939 |
4 | 4 | Preachers' licenses for R. W. Butler, Neal Patterson, Bernice Speer. | 1949 |
4 | 5 | Sunday School secretary's records and printed materials. Envelope: Evelyn Asher, 469 3rd Ave., Durango, Colorado 81301. | 1965-1968 |
4 | 6 | Women's Missionary Society, treasurer's account book. Includes receipts inside envelope on back cover of single entry ledger. | 1947 |
Box 9: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church books | Year |
5 | 1 | A Voice From Eternity, or: Soul Searching Sermons, by George B. Kulp. Cincinnati, Ohio: God's Revivalist Office, 1910. Written inside the front cover: "Clara LaLonde, Ignacio, Colo." | 1910 |
5 | 2 | Doctrines and Discipline of the Free Methodist Church of North America 1960, by C. A. Watson, et al. Winona, Ind.: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1961. Written inside the front cover: "J. W. Hansen." | 1960 |
5 | 3 | From Age to Age, My Church, A Living Witness, by Leslie R. Marston, et al. Winona Lake, Ind.: no publisher, 1964. | 1964 |
5 | 4 | Here and There with the Bible, by Elizabeth Allstrom. New York: Friendship Press, 1960. Written on front cover: "Durango J. M. S. 1960-61, Durango Free Methodist Church, Corner 10th Street & 4th Ave., Durango, Colo." | 1960 |
5 | 5 | In His Steps: "What Would Jesus Do?" by Charles M. Sheldon. New York: Hurst & Company Publishers, undated. Written on front cover: "Presented to Glade Herndon, April 13, 1917, by his teacher, Elsie Staker, Return to Durango Free Methodist Church." | undated |
5 | 6 | Incidents in the Life of Holy Ann, by Eva M. Watson. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: A. Sims, undated. | undated |
5 | 7 | Infidelity: Its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies: Being the Prize Essay of the British Organization of the Evangelical Alliance, by Thomas Pearson. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 1854. | 1854 |
5 | 8 | Leading the Local Church (for Members of the Official Board), by Donald N. Bastian. Winona Lake, Ind.: Light and Life Press, undated. | undated |
5 | 9 | Mariet Hardy Freeland: A Faithful Witness, by Emma Freeland Shay. Winona Lake, Ind.: Light and Life Press, 1913, third edition. Written inside front cover: "Mrs. Biggs. I want some money. Return to Flora Loveall, 2940-E.-4th Ave., Durango, Colo." | 1913 |
5 | 10 | Over the Billows: From Communistic Slavery to Freedom and a New Life, by George J. Lambert. Winona Lake, Ind.: Light and Life Hour, 1953. Written inside front cover: "Bertha Folsom." | 1953 |
5 | 11 | Practical Sermons on Various Subjects, by D. D. Davisson. Cincinnati, Ohio: Methodist Book Concern, 1855. | 1855 |
5 | 12 | The Free Methodist Church: A Brief Outline History of its Origin and Development, by John S. McGregory. Chicago, Ill.: W. B. Rose, 1908. Inside front cover: "Property of Free Methodist library, Durango, Colo., Jan 4, 1911. | 1908 |
5 | 13 | The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Racine, Wis.: Whitman Publishing Company, undated. Inside front cover: "Sophia Amelia Pennington." | undated |
5 | 14 | The Power of Pentecost: Chapters on the Relation of the Holy Spirit to Christian Life and Service, by Thomas Waugh. Chicago, Ill.: Bible Institute Colportage Association, undated. Inside front cover: Property of Fritz H. and Edison ?, April 3, 1939. Given to Ed Loveall." | undated |
5 | 15 | The Prodigal Son and the Wonderful Father, by W. G. Ketcheson. San Francisco, Calif.: James H. Barry Company, undated. Inside front cover: "Ed L. Loveall." | undated |
5 | 16 | The Sinner's Savior. No author noted. Cincinnati, Ill.: Western Tract Society, undated. | undated |
5 | 17 | The Story of Our Church: Free Methodism, Some Facts and Some Reasons, by Carl L. Howland. Winona Lake, Ind.: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1951. Inside front cover: "For the Durango Sunday School library - from the Conference Sunday School Board." | 1951 |
Box 10: Folder list:
Series | Folder | Title: Free Methodist Church Free Methodist Church books and hymnals | Year |
6 | 1 | Thunderbolts: Comprising Most Earnest Reasoning's, Delightful Narratives, Poetic and Pathetic Incidents, Caustic and Unmerciful Flagellation of Sin, Together With Irresistible Appeals to the Higher Sensibilities of Man to Quit His Meanness and Do Right, by Sam P. Jones. Nashville, Tenn.: Publishing House of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1895. | 1895 |
6 | 2 | New Gospel Quartets for Men's Voices, by E. S. Lorenz, et al. New York: Lorenz Publishing Co., 1923. Inside front cover: "Bif Peeples." | 1923 |
6 | 3 | Progressive Sunday School Songs, by Homer A. Rodeheaver, compiler; Charles H. Gabriel, ed. Chicago, Ill.: Rodeheaver Co., 1923. Inside front cover: "William Folsom." | 1923 |
6 | 4 | Revival Gems, by Samuel W. Beasley, editor, et al. Philadelphia, Penn.: The Judson Press, 1921. | 1921 |
6 | 5 | Songs of Joy and Gladness, by W. McDonald, et al. Boston, Mass.: McDonald & Gill, 1885. Inside front cover: "H. Hamilton." | 1885 |
6 | 6 | Songs of Mounting Up, by Meredith G. Standley and Robert E. McNeill, editors. Cincinnati, Ohio: God's Revivalist Office, undated. Inside front cover: " Bessie Douthit." | undated |
6 | 7 | Tears and Triumphs Combined for Revivals, Sunday Schools and the Home, by L. L. Pickett, et al. Cincinnati, Ohio: S.W. Knapp, 1899. Inside front cover: "Noah Douthit." | 1899 |
6 | 8 | Yearbook 1958 of The Free Methodist Church of North America. Winona Lake, Ind.: The Free Methodist Publishing House, undated. | 1958 |
6 | 9 | Yearbook 1959 of The Free Methodist Church of North America, by Lloyd H. Knox, editor. Winona Lake, Ind.: The Free Methodist Publishing House, undated. | 1959 |
6 | 10 | Yearbook 1960 of The Free Methodist Church of North America, by J. F. Gregory, editor. Winona Lake, Ind.: The Free Methodist Publishing House, undated. Inside front cover: "Stella Hancock, 2900 East 4th Avenue, Durango, Colorado" | 1960 |
6 | 11 | Yearbook 1968 of The Free Methodist Church of North America, by Lloyd H. Knox, editor. Winona Lake, Ind.: The Free Methodist Publishing House, undated. | 1968 |
Doing your own research: This description of a portion of the collections at the Fort Lewis College Center of Southwest Studies is provided to inform interested parties about the nature and depth of the repository's collections. It cannot serve as a substitute for a visit to the repository for those with substantial research interests in the collections.
This collection is located at the Center of Southwest Studies on the campus of Fort Lewis College. Researchers wanting more information about using this material at the Delaney Southwest Research Library at the Center may email the archivist at or click here to use our E-mail Reference Request Form (or phone the archivist at 970/247-7126). The Center does not have a budget for outgoing long-distance phone calls to answer reference requests, so please email if you wish to receive a response from the Center. To request reproductions/copies, click here for instructions.