Center of Southwest Studies

Collection  P 001:
Southwest  Colorado general photograph collection
Category V.2:  Porter Fuel Company (near Durango, Colo.)

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Upper left:

Title: Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.) shed near the railroad tracks           
SWP 001 V-02-15A;     Negative# 1328 or Neg. # 411
Subjects ~ Notes: Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.); ; ;   ~  Similar to V-02-15B but view is farther to the left. A barn like shed can be clearly seen next to converging train tracks.

Upper right:

Title: Train tracks up the valley from the Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.) mine             
SWP 001 V-02-15B;     Negative# 1328 or Neg. # 411
Subjects ~ Notes: Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.)  ~  Four sets of train tracks coming together and heading up a valley with building alongside its path. 

Lower left:

Title: Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.) trestle          
SWP 001 V-02-15C;     Negative# 1329?
Subjects ~ Notes: Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.)   ~  A large wooden construction. Three sets of tracks converge below the trestle.

Lower right:

Title: Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.) trestle        
SWP 001 V-02-15D;     Negative# 1330
Subjects ~ Notes: Porter Fuel Company (Durango, Colo.)

©2003 Center of Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College
All rights reserved (click here for Property Rights Statement).

1000 Rim Dr., Durango, CO 81301-3999 ~ Phone 970-247-7126 ~ Fax 970-247-7422

Page revised: 8/29/2003