Number: 1970:02007.17
Date of
map: 1775
of publication: Venice
monde ou description du globe terrestre [map of the world]
(personal name): Santini, Francois
(inches): 18.5
Width (inches): 25.5
This map, drawn
"according to astronomical observation of Sr. Janvier, geographer"
sometime between 1772 and 1783 (after the voyage of Cook which disproved the
notion of a large Southern Continent, but before 1783 when the Treaty of Paris
disclaimed British possessions along the Atlantic Coast), shows the locations
of a few communities in the Western Hemisphere and in the Eastern Hemisphere
south of the Equator. It shows
compass points and many routes of exploration, mentions the search for a
Northwest Passage, an interconnecting waterway across North America.
Greenland is drawn as a peninsula extending from Arctic land, and
California is also shown as a peninsula.
The northwestern portion of North America is not mapped; neither are
Central and South America, much of Africa, or Australia.
Deserts are shown in Africa and China. Conical projection.
map forms part of the Cutter World Map Collection, collection C 003, at the Center of Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis
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Page revised: November 14, 2003